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Issue:ISSN 2095-1353
           CN 11-6020/Q
Director:Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sponsored by:Chinese Society of Entomological;institute of zoology, chinese academy of sciences;
Address:Chaoyang District No. 1 Beichen West Road, No. 5 hospital,Beijing City,100101, China
Your Position :Home->Past Journals Catalog->2002 Vol.1

Control efficiency of four pesticides on Empoasca pirisuga and E. flavescens.
Author of the article:WEN Zhao-Ming,LAI Chuan-Bi
Author's Workplace:(Guangxi Institute of Tea Research, Guilin 541004,China).
Key Words:pesticide; Empoasca pirisuga; E.flavescens; control
Abstract:In the tea garden 70% cartap sp at 50 g/666.7m2,58% imidaclopridcartap mixture wp at 50 g/666.7m2,and 22% imidaclopridapplaud mixture wp at 50 g/666.7m2 were diluted with 75 kg water and sprayed during the adult stage
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