Transcriptome sequencing and identification of the Zele chlorophthalmus olfactory related protein gene
Author of the article:WANG Yu-Tong XU Lin-Bo DUAN Li-Qing YU Liang-Bin CUI Jin CAO Yuan-Yuan ZHAO Yi-An
Author's Workplace:Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010020, China; Institute of Grassland Research of CAAS, Huhhot 010020, China; Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Zhangjiakou, Zhangjiakou 075000, China
Key Words:Zele chlorophthalmus Spinola; antenna transcriptome; high-throughput sequencing; gene annotation; olfactory- related genes
[Objectives] Zele chlorophthalmus is an important
natural enemy of Loxoste gesticticalis larvae. Constructing the Z.
chlorophthalmus antenna transcriptome database and mining this for
olfactory-related protein genes provides a theoretical basis for optimizing the
potential of this species as a biocontrol agent. [Methods] The Illumina Novaseq 6000 high-throughput
sequencing platform, transcriptome sequencing and sequence assembly were used
to sequence Z. chlorophthalmus antennae genes, after which
bioinformatics research and analysis were used to identify associated olfactory
genes. BLAST software analysis of antennal unigene sequences was
compared with that of authoritative databases (Pfam, Swiss-Prot, NR, COG, KEGG
and GO) and complete gene function related annotations. [Results] A transcriptome database was successfully
constructed. A total of 65 228, unigenes were sequenced with an N50 of 3 882
bp. A total of 18 662 genes were annotated, accounting for 28.61% of the total.
Among these, the NR database had the most (15 863) annotations, accounting for
24.61% of the total. The KEGG database had the least (9 612) annotations
comprising 14.91% of the total, the Pfam database had 12 164 (18.86%), the COG
database had 15 584 (24.17%), the GO database had 11 634 (18.05%) and the
Swiss-Prot database had 11 634, 18.86% of the total. Unigene functions could be
divided into three categories based on GO database annotations, which could be
further subdivided into 49 branches. These categories were mainly molecular
functions, cellular components, and biological processes. Screening of
olfactory-related genes by annotating gene function revealed a total of 151
protein genes related to olfaction, including 3 sensory neuron membrane protein
(SNMP) genes, 22 ionotropic receptor (IR) genes, 23 gustatory receptor (GR)
genes, 83 odorant receptor (OR) genes, 6 chemosensory protein (CSP) genes and
14 odorant binding protein (OBP) genes. [Conclusion] The Z. chlorophthalmus antenna
transcriptome was successfully sequenced and antennal proteins related to
olfaction identified and analyzed. These findings provide a theoretical basis
for in-depth study of the function of olfactory genes and the molecular
mechanisms underlying olfaction.